I studied design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Cracow though I really wanted to either study painting, or goat and sheep breeding. I obeyed the advice given and followed what was deemed to be the wiser and more conventional path, though this was short-lived as I quickly returned to nature and painting.
My paintings draw from the world of plants and animals. I am inspired by these worlds, I like to transform them, simplify them, change their colors and add meaning to them. I enjoy the huge bouquets bursting from the vases. I am fascinated by the hare’s crazy eyes that are following me in the studio.
I use various media in Canary Yellow Mallow Vases. Often the base is acrylic paints. Based on this, I start using contrasts. Thick and thin lines as well as spots and smooth color transitions argue for their place. My works are full of colors, shapes, lines, spots, thick lines and patterns.
Based on the description, they could be accused of chaos and disharmony, but this is not the case. The compositions are mostly static, hieratic, central, even if they use asymmetry, they maintain balance. Every rebellion has its own framework here – a framework within which it is fulfilled.